
Oupatient Unit

The outpatient unit is located on the 1st floor of the IHOPE: when arriving from the welcome desk, take the elevator or the stairs and turn left to go through the glass footbridge.

This 12 bedded unit has 4 single rooms, 2 double rooms and a 4 place room as well as rooms dedicated to cares and exams.

When arriving in this unit you are welcome by a caregiver who will give you step by step instructions.

The IHOPE implemented a white board system on which your child’s name will be written (unless unexpected arrivals) for you to know his room number as soon as you arrive

Unit Design : www.dubourdon.fr

The outpatient unit of the IHOPE manages children from 0 to 21 especially for:

  • Ambulatory chemotherapy,
  • Clinical and biological exams and imaging exams
  • Technical intervention (lumbar puncture, myelogram, lymphadenogram
  • Cares on venous catheter (PICC-line or port a Cath; catheter) sometimes necessary for chemotherapies ;
  • Medical follow-up consultations for patients included in a clinical trial.
  • Medical consultations for patients managed within the hospital at home program.
  • Post transplantation follow-up

According to your needs, the unit also offers a consultation with a dietician or an appointment with a pediatric-psychiatrist, the psychologist or the social assistant.

Outpatient hospital hours

The outpatient unit is open from Monday to Friday, except on bank holidays, form 8.00 to 18.00.

Usefull Numbers

Reception desk : 04 69 16 65 50
Health executive : 04 78 78 51 47
Outpatient unit : 04 69 16 65 73
Secretariat office : 04 69 16 65 70