Our institution

The Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Institute IHOPE: an institute dedicated to child cancers and leukemia.

The Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Institute (IHOPE) is a specialized hospital created and managed jointly by the Lyon Hospices Civils, a public health establishment, and the Centre Léon Bérard, a Non-profit private health care facilities of public interest (ESPIC).

The Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Institute brings together the teams of the pediatric unit of the Centre Léon Bérard (CLB) and of the hematology department of the Debrousse Hospital (Hospices Civils de Lyon – HCL).

The HCL bring their expertise in the field of malignant and non-malignant pediatric hematology and the CLB that of solid tumours (oncology).

The IHOPE is thus the first European Institute for the treatment and research on cancers and blood diseases of child and adolescent.

The grand opening of the Institute took place in February 2008 in the buildings close to the Centre Léon Bérard.

It provides care for children and adolescents with cancers (solid tumours and hemopathies) and benign hematology. In 2014, 559 different patients were hospitalized.

Reminder of the Project

The medical project voted by the HCL and the CLB bodies in June 2002 focuses on three approaches:

  • Improvement on the management of patients, within the IHOPE and jointly with the other regional stakeholders by the implementation of a Pediatric Oncology Regional Network ;
  • Teaching and training of pediatric onco-hematologists
  • Promoting research

The merging of skills and patients (200 new patients /year) gives the IHOPE the dimension requested for reference centres of pediatric cancers: the Institute is as such coordinator for the Auvergne/Rhône-Alpes region.

Organization of the Institute

The activity is divided into 2 sites:

  • Hospitalizations are performed on the site of the Centre Léon Bérard, within the IHOPE for diagnosis, screening and treatment of children and adolescents in hematology and oncology.
  • Consultations take place in the new HCL hospital dedicated to Women Mother and Child (HFME) in Bron.

The IHOPE team works in close collaboration with the CLB and HCL teams to ensure the whole activities of diagnosis and the implementation of treatments: imaging, biology, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery.

Children and adolescents managed in this structure receive their chemotherapy treatment within the IHOPE hospitalization unit and their radiation therapy treatment in the CLB.

Surgeries and other pediatric specialties are performed with the HCL structures.

Status and governance

The IHOPE is a private joint health venture which consists in a provision of means by two institutions the CLB and the HCL.

It is managed by an administrator from the CLB, Dr Bergeron, and a General Secretary from the University Hospital, Bertrand Cazelles, nominated for 3 years (starting January 1st 2018) by the General Assembly of the establishment community LCU, “Lyon University oncology” which legally bound the CLB and the HCL.

Background …

  • 1964 : creation of a pediatric oncology unit in the CLB
  • 1983: merge of two pediatric hematology departments of the HCL (Edouard Herriot Hospital and Debrousse) in Debrousse Hospital (HCL)
  • 1991: creation of a pediatric immune-hematology and bone marrow department in the Debrousse hospital
  • 1997/1998: first reflections on a merge of the pediatric hematology-oncology of the HCL and the CLB
  • March 23, 2001: signature of the constitutive agreement of the establishment community “Lyon University oncology”.
  • May 2001: creation of the IHOPE within the establishment community “Lyon University oncology” created in March 2001. It is managed within the framework of a joint health venture (GCS) under private law “LCU”.
  • June 2002: adoption of the IHOPE Medical project
  • 30 September 2002: introduction to the project during the first steering Committee of the establishment community “Lyon University oncology”.
  • January 2004: the building of the structure is authorized through notarized Certificates (funded by the French Hospital plan 2007 and also a shared funding HCL/CLB
  • January 2006: start of the construction works
  • April-May 2006: constitutive agreement of the GCS IHOPE
  • October 2007: handover of the building
  • December 15, 2007: the pediatric unit of the CLB moves in the IHOPE
  • February 4, 2008: the pediatric unit of the hematology unit of Debrousse hospital moves in the IHOP hospitalization
  • March 2008-June 2010: Administrator Prof Yves Bertrand – General Secretary Jean-Robert Greslin.
  • July 2010-December 2013: Administrator Dr Christophe Bergeron – General Secretary Corinne Krencker
  • January 2014 – December 2017: Administrator Prof Yves Bertrand & Sophie Beaupère is nominated General Secretary of the IHOPE
  • January 2016: the IHOP becomes IHOPE and modifies its website

559 different patients were hospitalized in  2014

4537 hospitalization stays

More than 1,000 patients registered for stays, consultations, exams, treatments