Management and admission

Admission: what do you have to do when arriving at the IHOPE?

Upon your arrival at the IHOPE you will have to go to the admission desk to establish your child’s file. It is located at the reception of the IHOPE, on the ground floor, where you will also find the early childhood area, where siblings can wait with numerous toys and games at their disposal, as well as a television space, a coffee area and the associations’ desk.

 Est-ce que je vais avoir mal et comment le dire ?

Trouver une réponse aux questions
de vos enfants !


You will be asked for some documents listed here below:


  • The insurance of your child, or that of the person he is attached to and the proof document
  • The private insurance card or certificate
  • Your child’s health record booklet.
  • Your family record book
  • Your child exam reports

The first contact can then be made within the unit where your child will be sent.

Patient management at the IHOPE, for a stay, an exam or a consultation

You will first have to go to the admission desk of the IHOPE, before going to the dedicated unit (which depends on the treatments, exams or on the stay of your child). You will be then took on by the care team (paramedical and medical) within the unit where your child will be treated. You will be welcomed by a care assistant or/and a nurse and take to your room. Your child will then be examined by the physician who will prescribe exams to establish or confirm the diagnostic. According to his recommendation the treatment may begin.

Medical cares are ensured 24/7 by the childcare assistant team, nursing auxiliaries, Registered Nurses and Registered Childcare Assistants. They welcome you, handle the nursing and comfort cares. Nurses give treatments and perform the exams prescribed.

The management is adjusted to the age and need of your child

Suivi psychologique


Mon séjour à l’IHOPe


Accueil des Ados et Jeunes Adultes

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